๐Ÿ’ตUnderstanding invoicing

Zipwire can assist with getting accurate and immediately invoices from your senders, and creating invoices for your clients. Let's dive in, as they say a lot on YouTube.

Sender Invoicing

Freelancers often work under their own one-person company and then invoice the staffing agency for their time. The agency pays this invoice within a week or so and then the agency issues its own invoice to the client for this time.

There are several common problems with this.

  1. The sender often forgets to send an invoice and needs chasing for it.

  2. The sender has to produce the invoice, which can be time consuming and they can procrastinate and hold up the agency and cause cashflow problems.

  3. The timesheet comes with an invoice, but they don't match or their rate is wrong.

  4. Someone has to check every single timesheet, invoice and rate to detect such errors.

Zipwire has a built-in sender invoice generator which will automatically attach an accurate invoice for the timesheet.

Configuring and enabling Sender Invoicing

Three things are needed for the magic to happen, these are:

  1. Sender Invoicing must be enabled on the billing plan applied to the sender, see picture below.

  2. The workplace must have its inbound invoicing details set, so Zipwire know who to address the invoice to, see the Invoicing tab within My workplace.

  3. The sender must have configured their outbound invoicing details, so Zipwire knows who the invoice is from.

Once all three are setup, invoices will automatically appear as attachments on the received timesheets. The sender will only see their invoice once they send the invoice.

Client Invoicing

Regardless of whether or not there is a sender invoice attached, you can use the monetary information on the timesheet to produce invoices to your client for the people you have supplied.

Single sheet client invoices

You can create a client invoice for each timesheet when its in the Prep stage. When Client Invoicing is setup, a button to show the invoicing controls will appear in the view when you are in Their timesheets on the Prep tab.

When you create a client invoice, it will be downloaded by your browser and will eventually also be attached to the timesheet in the background. You may need to refresh the view to see the attachment.

Combined client invoices

An invoice which has a line item for each timesheet can also be generated. When you hit the button to make a combined invoice, all the timesheets in the current view in the Prep stage will be combined into one larger invoice which will be downloaded and also attached to each timesheet.

Use the Tags and Filters feature in the view to control which timesheets are included in the combined invoice.

Invoice numbers

Each time you create either a combined or single client invoice, Zipwire increments an invoice number counter.

At present, the exact format of the invoice number (or identifier, since it is alphanumeric) cannot be controlled. Please email suggest@zipwire.io to show your support for having a customizable format.

Configuring client invoicing

Each client has its own invoicing settings within the client editor area. The general details settings collect information about the client's proper legal name, its address and the name of a person to address the invoice to.

The more interesting settings are on the other tab. It's through this interface that you can configure the payment information and tax details to "print" on the invoice.

At present, Zipwire only supports generating PDF file invoices. A PDF is a digital hardcopy and so we refer to writing to the PDF as printing.


You'll need to start out by choosing the currencies that you'll be invoicing the particular client in.

If a timesheet has its charge rate in a currency that is not configured for client invoicing then you will not be able to generate a client invoice for that timesheet.

When you create a client invoice, it will group line items by currency and apply the relevant tax amount. This grouping really only applies to combined client invoices since single ones are a group of one.

In any case, under each group, positioned closely to it so it visually relates, your payment details will be "printed".

Payment details

This is where you type in how the client should pay the invoice, which is usually a bank account name and its numbers, or an IBAN identifier or a crypto wallet address.

You must choose which currencies the details apply to.

Tax details

The tax details are similar and will result in the text being printed on the PDF close to the currency group of line items to which it relates.

The % is simply the amount of tax to levy on the items in the currency group.

Again, you must choose the currencies to which the tax details apply.

Last updated